Young Male Voters & Democratic Messaging

This topic is a point of focus for ULDC. Here is a list of recommended articles. (Some may behind a paywall.)
Additional articles on the broader topic of youth voters will be added in the near future.

Politico: “Democrats Have a Man Problem. These Experts Have Ideas for Fixing It.”
How can Democrats counter GOP messaging on masculinity? Should they even want to? A roundtable with Democratic party insiders and experts.

Washington Post: “Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness,” Christine Emba.

The Atlantic : “THE WEAPONIZATION OF LONELINESS,” Hillary Rodham Clinton
To defend America against those who would exploit our social disconnection, we need to rebuild our communities.

Every Town for Gun Safety/Southern Poverty Law Center Report: “ Youth Attitudes on Guns”
Introduction and Executive Summary, including Key Findings

Full Report