1. Open the email invitation
The email is sent from “President, ULDC”; Subject: Upper Lehigh Democratic Club [MONTH] General Meeting – [DATE]

2. Click on the meeting link. The meeting link should automatically redirect you once you click on it. 
If you haven’t already installed the video call software on your laptop or mobile device, clicking this link directs you to download the application. (See #3.) If you’ve already downloaded the software, a pop-up window generates asking you to “Open Zoom.” (See #4.)

3. Download the video call software
Each operating system can help you download the application for your Zoom video call. Some web browsers might have a bar at the bottom of your browser window or might generate a pop-up window. Once the application file downloads, you can click to open the file. Many download files provide step-by-step instructions, which can help you quickly finish the application’s installation.

4. Open the Zoom application
Upon completion of the application’s installation, you can either open the Zoom application or navigate back to the Zoom invitation email and click the meeting link. This might generate a pop-up window asking for you to open Zoom again if you click the meeting’s link in the email. If you open the newly installed application, it may likely automatically open the host’s meeting. When joining for the first time, there might be a prompt asking you for your display name. This name is viewable to all meeting attendees.

5. Join the meeting
Once you’ve either clicked the meeting’s link in the email or opened the video call application, you can join the meeting.

You can choose if you want to join the meeting with video and with your microphone enabled. Once in the meeting, you can also choose to enable your video or microphone. Looking at the bottom left of your video call can help you determine if your microphone or video is active.* If you disable these items, each selection might have a red line across the button.

*Please mute your microphone during the when you are not speaking.
Find the microphone icon. You’ll see it in the bottom left corner of your screen—if you don’t, click anywhere on the screen to bring up the icon row. Click the microphone icon to mute. You will see a circle and slash over the microphone icon. (Click on the microphone icon again to unmute.)