Democrat, Elected in 2022, up for re-election in 2026 (two term limit)
Government WebsiteCampaign Website
Contact Form, Phone Number, Text Number, Address
Constituent Services
Governor Shapiro’s Cabinet
Governor Shapiro’s Commissions
Behavioral Health Council
Priorities — PA Budget Proposal
More information about the office of Governor — FAQ PA Executive Branch
More information about cabinet positions — FAQ PA Executive Branch

Democrat, Elected in 2022, up for re-election in 2026 (two term limit)
Government Website
∎ Contact the Lt. Governor’s Office at 717-787-3300 or
∎ Presides over the Pennsylvania Senate
∎ Serves as a backup to the governor and is also responsible for promoting economic growth, education, and workforce development. 
∎ Chair of the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons, Local Government Advisory Committee, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Council and Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. 
More information about the office of Lt. Governor — FAQ PA Executive Branch

Attorney General — Dave Sunday

Repbulican, Elected in 2024, next election 2028 (2 term limit)

Government Website
Regional Office: 7310 Tilghman Street, Allentown, PA 18106 ∎ 610-791-6100
∎ The Attorney General is served by a staff of several hundred prosecutors, attorneys, investigators, agents and support staff in offices across the state, divided into four sections:
Criminal Law, Public Protection, Civil Division, Operations Division.
Get Help — List of Phone Numbers for reporting or assistance
Forms — Submit a Complaint or File a Referral

More information about the office of Attorney General — FAQ Executive Branch

Auditor GeneralTimothy DeFoor

Republican, Elected in 2020, re-elected in 2024 (two term limit), next election 2028
The Auditor General serves people of Pennsylvania by improving government accountability, transparency, and the effective use of taxpayer dollars.
Government Website
Audits Conducts audits annually, covering various entities such as school districts, charter schools, county offices, pension plans, firefighter relief associations, state funds, liquor stores, correctional facilities, and other legislated audits.

More information about the office of Auditor General — FAQ Executive Branch

Treasurer — Stacy Garrity

Republican, Elected in 2020, re-elected in 2024 (two term limit), next election 2028
Government Website
∎ The Treasurer is the custodian of more than $100 billion in Commonwealth funds
∎ Serves as Chair of the Board of Finance and Revenue, which selects banks to serve as depositories for state money
∎ Sets interest rates paid on commonwealth deposits
∎ Hears and decides state tax appeals
∎ The department investigates loss, theft, and fraud involving commonwealth checks
maintaining the Pennsylvania contracts electronic library
Treasury Department services and resources:
Unclaimed Property Database the treasury department helps to reunite unclaimed property with its rightful owner free of charge.
Transparency Portal Budget, Fiscal Scorecard, Total Funds, Treasury Checkbook, e-library of contracts. The Transparency Portal expands taxpayer access by offering the ability to compare the past three years of expenditures at the fund, department, and appropriation levels.

More information about the office of the Treasury — FAQ Executive Branch