Voting by Mail is Safe, Secure and Easy

► All voters who want to vote by mail must submit an application every year. ◄
Applying to Vote by Mail
✩ Please provide your contact information on your application ✩
Providing contact information (email and/or phone number) will allow the Voter Registration Office
to contact the you in the event that there is an issue with your ballot.
Did you vote by mail in a previous election?
If you voted by mail previously, you may have requested your name be added to the permanent list of “Annual” voters. This means that the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office will automatically send you an application to vote by mail every year.*
You may choose to apply for a mail-in or absentee ballot on line, instead of using the paper application you received in the mail.
If you apply on-line, and provide your email address, you will receive an e-mail confirmation of your application and be able to track your application and ballot on-line.
*Check your status for current year’s elections to verify you are an Annual Voter
After entering the requested information, you will see your Voter Status Record
Under Voter Record Details: “Are you a permanent voter?”
“YES As a permanent voter, you will be mailed a renewal application by each February that will permit you to request a mail ballot for all eligible elections held during that calendar year.”
Indicates you are on the list and will be mailed a paper application.
If you are still unsure of your status Contact the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office at 610-782-3194.
Is this the first time you are applying for an Absentee Ballot or Mail-in Ballot?
You must be registered to vote. Deadline to register is 15 days before any election. See Election Calendar
Which ballot should I choose?
If you apply on line, you will be asked questions to determine if your are an Absentee Voter or a Mail Ballot Voter and directed to the correct form. APPLY ON LINE NOW
Detailed information about Absentee Voting or Voting by Mail is available at
The page will direct you to the appropriate APPLICATION FORMS for APPLYING ON-LINE or to PRINT & MAIL. Please carefully read all instructions.
Additional Source for Printed Copies of the Applications
Lehigh County Voter Registration Office has printed copies of the application forms available in its office.
The difference between an Absentee Ballot and a Mail Ballot
Mail-in ballots are for any eligible voter. You do not need an excuse or reason to request a mail-in ballot.
Absentee ballots are for:
voters who plan to be out of their municipality on Election Day OR
voters who have a disability or illness that prevents them from going to a polling place on Election Day
Information for College Students
Request a paper application or an apply in another language
You Can Obtain a Paper Application For A Mail-in or Absentee Ballot Several Ways:
▸Go to to download and print a paper application Mail-in ballot request form.
▸Direct links to forms are available in: English | Spanish | Chinese Simplified | Chinese Traditional | Vietnamese
▸Email the Department of State
▸Call the Department of State at: 1-877-VOTES-PA (1-877-868-3772) and request a form be mailed to you
▸Print an Application Form from the Lehigh County Government Website
▸Contact or visit the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office for assistance
Lehigh County Voter Registration Office
Lehigh County Government Center
17 South Seventh St., Allentown, PA 18101-2400
Phone 610-782-3194
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Monday — Friday
Accessibility solutions for mail voting for voters with disabilities
Accessible remote ballot marking solution for mail voting for voters with disabilities
Pennsylvania voters with disabilities now have the opportunity to mark their absentee or mail-in ballot electronically. Learn more about the accessible remote ballot marking solution.
Third Party Ballot Delivery of mail ballot by designated agent
If you have a disability that prevents you from applying in person for your mail ballot or delivering your mail ballot, you must designate the agent in writing using this English PDF form, Spanish PDF form, Chinese PDF form.*
If you have a permanent disability, you can apply to be added to the permanent absentee voter list by submitting an absentee ballot application (PDF), including section C. If your application is accepted, you will receive absentee ballots for the elections that take place during the rest of the year. You will also receive an annual absentee ballot application every year that you are on the list.
If your County Board of Elections says your polling place inaccessible, you can vote by alternative ballot. Learn about voting by alternative ballot
Full details PA Accessible Voting for Citizens with a Disability
Information for voters living in a long-term care facility:
Fact Sheet for Voters in Long-Term Care Facilities
*see page two of this fact sheet for additional information about using a designated agent
Change your address if you have moved or will be moving
If you recently moved, or will move before the election, contact the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office at 610-782-3194, to ensure your mail-in or absentee ballot will be sent to your new address. If you moved out of your county, you will need to change your registration and request to maintain your permanent mail-in ballot status or have your existing mail-in application transferred.
Additional information at PA.Gov
Verify that your application has been approved
If you provided an e-mail address on your application, you should receive a confirmation e-mail.
(This may take one to two weeks.)
Check the status of your application and your ballot on the Election Ballot Status page.
You can also check the status of your application on the Voter Registration Status page.
After entering the requested information, you will see your Voter Status Record
Under Voter Record Details: “Do you have an approved mail ballot request for the upcoming election?”
If you see the YEAR, ELECTION, (election date) AND YES, the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office will be mail either an absentee or mail-in ballot to you when they are printed and available.
If you are still unsure of your status or have further questions:
Contact the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office at 610-782-3194.
What is the Annual Mail Ballot List?
Voters can request to receive applications for mail-in or absentee ballots for all primary, general and special elections held in a given year. If you indicate you would like to be added to the annual mail-in ballot request list, you will receive an application to renew your request for a mail-in ballot each year. Counties will mail applications to voters on the list by the first Monday of each February. Voters who return an application will receive ballots for each election scheduled through the next February.
You can check your status for the upcoming election HERE
What if you no longer want to vote by mail?
► If you do not want to vote by mail do not return the application form that was mailed to you and vote in person at your assigned polling place.
► Submit a Cancelation of Permanent Voter Status Form
Available from Lehigh County Voter Registration Office HERE
Return the completed form to:
Lehigh County Voter Registration
17 S 7th St, Allentown PA 18101-2401
► Contact the Lehigh County Voter Office at 610-782-3194, to change your permanent mail ballot status
Application Deadline for Mail-In/Absentee Ballots
Application forms for mail-in/absentee ballots must be RECEIVED
no later than 5 PM, 7 days before the election — post mark will not count.
See Election Calendar
If it is one week before the deadline, consider the option of
Applying and Voting in Person at the Voter Registration Office.
Lehigh County Voter Registration Office
17 South Seventh Street, Allentown 610-782-3194
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm
What if you missed the application deadline and have an emergency?
If you missed the deadline to apply and emergency circumstances prevent you from voting at the polls
In case you experience an emergency in the last week leading up to Election Day, you can submit an application for an Emergency Alternative Ballot. You must submit this completed application to the county election office no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Detailed instructions and Emergency Alternative Ballot Forms in English, Spanish and Chinese are available at PA.GOV — Voting by Emergency Alternative Ballot.
Your Ballot Will be Mailed to You by the Lehigh County Voter Office
When will the ballots be mailed to voters?
If your application is approved, the ballot and instructions will be mailed to you by the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office, as soon as the printed ballots are available. (An announcement that the ballots have been mailed will be posted on the ULDC Homepage and added to the Election Calendar.)
If you are still unsure of your status or have further questions:
Contact the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office at 610-782-3194.
When will the ballots be mailed to voters?
If your application is approved, the ballot and instructions will be mailed to you by the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office, as soon as the printed ballots are available. (An announcement that the ballots have been mailed will be posted on the ULDC Homepage and added to the Election Calendar.)
If you are still unsure of your status or have further questions:
Contact the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office at 610-782-3194.
What should you do if you have not received your ballot?
Check the status of your ballot.
Contact the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office
17 South Seventh Street, Allentown 610-782-3194
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm
Track the Status of Your Absentee or Mail-in Ballot at PA Voter Services
Your ballot has a unique bar code
Your ballot will have a unique bar code on the outer envelope associated with your name.
Confirmation that you application was received and processed
If you provide your e-mail on your application, you should receive an e-mail confirmation of your application and you will be able to track your ballot application on-line.
Track your ballot to verify it was mailed by the Voter Registration Office
You can track your ballot by entering your name, date of birth and county in the form.
If your status shows “Pending” you will receive a ballot.
If there is no record, you may need to re-apply.
Call the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office at 610-782-3194
What information is on the ballot tracker?
- status of your ballot for the current election
- if your request to Vote By Mail got to your county election office
- if your ballot package is on its way to you
- if your completed ballot was received
If your status shows “Pending” you will receive a ballot.
If there is no record, you may need to re-apply.
Call the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office at 610-782-3194
Ballot Submission — How to Fill Out Your Ballot
Review the 2025 Election Page for information about the Candidates and Offices on your ballot.
FILL OUT AND RETURN YOUR BALLOT ASAP (See 3 Options for Returning Your Ballot)
Read all of the instructions On the instruction sheet, on the ballot & on the outer envelope,
to ensure that your vote will be counted.
Click on the image to enlarge.
► You must USE BOTH ENVELOPES, whether mailing, using a drop box or going to the Voter Registration office.
Place ballot in the yellow secrecy envelope. Seal it.
Place the yellow envelope in the outer envelope that has printed address.
Sign, in the box, where indicated on the lower left of the back of the envelope.
Date, in the boxes provided. Use the date you are signing. Month, day, year.
Seal the envelope.
Return Your Ballot ASPAP. If returning 1 week before the election, use a Lehigh County drop box.
Ballots must be received by 8 pm on Election Day.
Returning Your Ballot — 3 Options
Ballots must be received by the Voter Registration Office by 8 pm on Election Day
⚠ RETURN ONLY YOUR OWN BALLOT. This is the law. Violation may result in prosecution.
Exception: The only exceptions are if you are a voter with a disability and have designated someone, in writing, to deliver your ballot, or if you need an emergency absentee ballot.
Also see Voters in Long Term Fact Sheet.
► Option 1 — Return Your Ballot by Mail
Return your ballot as soon as possible. Postage is paid.
To improve deliverability, mail from the post office.
All ballots must be received by 8 pm on Election Day.
Any voted ballot received in the voter registration office after the deadline will NOT be counted. Postmark does not count.
⚠ One week before Election Day, it is recommended that you choose another method of returning your ballot.
⚠ RETURN ONLY YOUR OWN BALLOT. This is the law. Violation may result in prosecution.
Exception: see “Designated Agent” for instructions and Certificate of Designated Agent Form, for use by disabled voters. Available in English, Spanish and Chinese.
Or if you need an emergency absentee ballot.
► Option 2 — Return Your Ballot Early to a Secure Drop Box
Five drop boxes for mail ballots will be available for Lehigh County residents — See Locations.
First Date of Availability TBA by Lehigh County Voter Office, See Election Calendar
All locations will have drop boxes inside the building and will be available for use during normal municipal business hours.
▶ County Government Center at 17 South 7th Street, Allentown, PA 18101 will have a dedicated slot outside the main entrance of the building, with 24/7 access for deposit.
Each drop box location will be monitored via electronic surveillance.
Your Lehigh County Ballot should be returned only to a Lehigh County Drop Box.
Please note the hours of each location. Locations may have changed.
First Date of Availability TBA by Lehigh County Voter Office. See Election Calendar
⚠ RETURN ONLY YOUR OWN BALLOT. This is the law. Violation may result in prosecution.
Exception: see “Designated Agent” for instructions and Certificate of Designated Agent Form, for use by disabled voters. Available in English, Spanish and Chinese.
Or if you need an emergency absentee ballot.
Questions? Lehigh County Voter Registration Office 610-782-3194.
► Option 3 — Return Your Ballot to the Voter Registration Office
Ballots may returned directly to the Lehigh County Voter Office
Lower Level of the Lehigh County Government Center, 17 South Seventh Street, Allentown
Voter Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm
ELECTION DAY Extended Hours 7 am – 8 pm
Extended hours will be added when available
Hours may change — check with Lehigh County Voter Registration Office, 610-782-3194
Drop Off Your Ballot ASPAP. Deadline to Drop Off at the Office is Election Day at 8 pm.
⚠ RETURN ONLY YOUR OWN BALLOT. This is the law. Violation may result in prosecution.
Exception: see “Designated Agent” for instructions and Certificate of Designated Agent Form, for use by disabled voters. Available in English, Spanish and Chinese.
Or if you need an emergency absentee ballot.
Track your ballot to verify it was received by the Voter Registration Office
You can track your ballot by entering your name, date of birth and county in the form.
Call the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office at 610-782-3194
What should you do if you think you made a mistake or forgot to sign your name on the envelope of your ballot?
Contact the Voter Registration Office 610-782-3194
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm
ELECTION DAY Extended Hours 7 am – 8 pm
Extended hours will be added when available
Hours may change — check with Lehigh County Voter Registration Office
If you have returned your mail-in ballot and are concerned you may not have signed or dated your envelope, You are permitted to go to your polling place on election day and ask for a provisional ballot.
Election Officials cannot record it.
You may either take it to a ballot drop box location or vote by Provisional Ballot at your polling place.
Alternatives to Voting By Mail
► Vote Early In Person at the Lehigh County Voter Registration Office
Voters, who have not previously requested a ballot, may vote in person at the Voter Registration Office.
First Date of Availability TBA by Lehigh County Voter Office.
Deadline to Apply to Vote at the Lehigh County Office is 7 days before election day at 5 pm.
See Election Calendar
You will need your PennDOT ID number or the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. Please refer to the list of ID requirements for mail-in or absentee ballots for more information.
Lower Level of the Lehigh County Government Center
17 South Seventh Street, Allentown
Voter Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm
Extended hours will be added when available. See Election Calendar
(Hours may change — check with Lehigh County Voter Registration Office, 610-782-3194)
Additional information on voting early in-person by mail-in or absentee ballot available at
► Vote at Your Polling Place on Election Day, 7 am – 8 pm
If you do not wish to vote by mail, your polling place will be open on Election Day from 7 am to 8 pm. (If you are in line by 8 pm, you may still vote.)
How to use the new Lehigh County Voting System.
Find Your Polling Place This page includes a list polling place changes.
Emergency Alternative Ballot is available in case of an emergency.
In case of an emergency, you can submit an Emergency Application for Alternative Ballot. You must submit this completed application to the County Election Office no later than 8 pm on Election Day.
If you have a mail-in ballot and decide you must vote at your polling place
YOU SHOULD BRING YOUR UNMARKED BALLOT and BOTH THE INNER and OUTER ENVELOPES with you, to present to the Judge of Elections. The Judge of Elections will “spoil” your Mail-In Ballot and you must complete and sign an “Elector’s Declaration to Surrender Their Mail Ballot,” before you will be permitted to vote.
IF YOU BRING A MARKED BALLOT WITH YOU Election Officials cannot record it. You may either take it to a ballot drop box location or vote by Provisional Ballot at your polling place.
IF YOU DO NOT BRING YOUR BALLOT WITH YOU, you may vote by a Provisional Ballot.
Additional Information and Resources
Upper Lehigh Democratic Club FAQ Mail-In Voting
Make Your Plan to Vote Upper Lehigh Democratic Club
Voting by Mail at PA.GOV
PA Government Websites: PA Voter Services and PA.GOV
Call the Lehigh County Election Office 610-782-3194 or call 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772).
Link to Lehigh County Election Office FAQ
Lehigh County Voter Registration Office
17 South Seventh Street, Allentown, 610-782-3194
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm, ELECTION DAY Extended Hours 7 am – 8 pm
Información en español: Si le interesa obtener este formulario en español, llame al 1-877-868-3772.
PA Dems Voting Center includes information, videos, FAQ, hotline phone number for immediate support.
Recursos en Español
Este sitio de ofrece un traductor automático. En cualquiera página de este sitio, usted puede usar el Traductor de Google para traducir la información contenida en la página. Para traducir una página, haga clic en la imagen del globo en la parte superior derecha de la página y escoja Spanish de la lista de idiomas.
(Updated 10/27/24)