The board has the authority to establish, equip, furnish, operate and maintain schools as required for the education of every student. Generally, the board oversees the educational programs, personnel, and properties, with specific responsibilities to determine curriculum, employ a superintendent and approve a budget.

The school directors oversee the education of students and are responsible for school district operations, but they do not directly run the district’s day-to-day operations.

A school board:
• Sets performance-based goals for the district
• Aligns strategies, resources (including the approved budget), policies, programs and processes to achieve the district goals
• Assesses and accounts for student achievement using comprehensive
data, thorough deliberation and open communication
• Annually conducts a written performance assessment of the district superintendent and assistant district superintendent(s)

School Directors are not compensated for their time. Pennsylvania State Law does not permit school directors to be paid for their services.

Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, school board directors and charter school trustees will be required to complete training programs pursuant to Act 55 of 2017.

Specific information about the school districts in the ULDC area:
Northern Lehigh, Northwestern Lehigh and Parkland
can be found on this website at Your Government/School Districts

Resources and Additional Information

Pennsylvania School Board Association Essentials for School Board Service

Pennsylvania League of Women Voters 2023 Webinar Ballot Box Basics: School Board Elections

League of Women Voters of Lehigh County Government Directory School Districts