Plant Sale Fundraiser

ULDC’S Second Annual Flower & Plant Sale Fundraiser

Shop for Plants & Help Preserve Our Democracy!

SHOP Monday, March 24 — Thursday, April 26
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PICK UP Plants Saturday, May 3, 10 AM — 2 PM
5535 Kurt Drive, Allentown 18104

Parkland Proud Yard Signs

Signs are $15 each. Pick up details will be announced.

June1 — ULDC Yard Sale

ULDC Connects with the Parkland Community at the Community Resource Fair

ULDC participated in the 2nd ANNUAL COMMUNITY RESOURCE FAIR, HEALTH SYMPOSIUM AND NEW PARENT SOCIAL. The event included social service agencies, nonprofits, community partners, and recreational organizations. Parent workshops were also offered. A New Parent Social, designed for new parents to meet other new parents in the community. Parent Workshops that focused on the health and well being of families were offered each hour. Thanks to Lucy Horton for making contact and arranging for ULDC to participate in this well-attended Parkland School District event. She was joined by Carla Colangelo and Nancy Holler in a committee to put together a display that was informative as well as attractive! On display was our new ULDC palm card and folded flyer explaining our mission and activities, a map of the ULDC area, and maps of the legislative districts in Parkland. Additional attractive items to take home and a puzzle map of the US flag add to the general welcoming vibe!
ULDC’s Participation In This Event Was a Success!

Sept. 23 ULDC Yardsale Fundraiser

ULDC has reserved space for Autumn Fest Yard Sale at the Fitness Plaza
1125 Glenlivet Drive, Fogelsville
Saturday, Sept 23, 10:00am to 4:00pm (set-up starts at 8:45am)
Sign up to assist at the sale


We would love your assistance in making this ULDC fundraiser a big success, which will help us finance the costs of supplies, printing & mailing November election literature, and additional GOTV efforts.

We will need volunteers for the following:

  • Donating household items you no longer need or want (eg., clothing (esp. baby/toddler), tools, small furniture, games/toys, costume jewelry, sports equipment, best seller books, art, vintage/antique items)
  • Donating baked goods to sell
  • Helping to price donated items the week before our sale
  • Helping to transport donations from our designated drop-off points to the sale (around 8:30am)
  • Helping to set up our vendor booth, tables & tent around 9:00am
  • Working a shift in the booth (est. 2 hrs)
  • Helping to break down the booth at 4:00pm
  • Transporting unsold items to nearby Goodwill (around 4:30pm)