Plant Sale Fundraiser
ULDC’S Second Annual Flower & Plant Sale Fundraiser
Shop for Plants & Help Preserve Our Democracy!
SHOP Monday, March 24 — Thursday, April 26
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PICK UP Plants Saturday, May 3, 10 AM — 2 PM
5535 Kurt Drive, Allentown 18104

Last year’s ULDC Flower & Plant Sale was a big success! The plants were very healthy, loaded with blooms, and received many glowing reviews from buyers. So we’re working with Blue Mountain Farms once again, to offer an excellent variety of single plants, patio pots & hanging baskets, at prices comparable to or lower than local retailers.
Make your purchases at the ULDC/Blue Mountain Farms online Fundraising Shop by clicking on SHOP FOR PLANTS. Browse for plants, select the ones you want, & pay online. (Most credit cards are accepted.)
Pick up your plant order on Saturday, May 3 between 10 am and 2 pm.
5535 Kurt Drive (Upper Mac Twp near Costco).
It’s the perfect timing for your patio, garden or Mother’s Day gift!
Please tell your family and friends about this sale. Tell them to go to ULDC.ORG and click on the GREEN BUTTON at the top of the page.
It’s a fun and easy way to support the important work of ULDC’s voter outreach, education, and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts.