Sept. 23 ULDC Yardsale Fundraiser

ULDC has reserved space for Autumn Fest Yard Sale at the Fitness Plaza
1125 Glenlivet Drive, Fogelsville
Saturday, Sept 23, 10:00am to 4:00pm (set-up starts at 8:45am)
Sign up to assist at the sale


We would love your assistance in making this ULDC fundraiser a big success, which will help us finance the costs of supplies, printing & mailing November election literature, and additional GOTV efforts.

We will need volunteers for the following:

  • Donating household items you no longer need or want (eg., clothing (esp. baby/toddler), tools, small furniture, games/toys, costume jewelry, sports equipment, best seller books, art, vintage/antique items)
  • Donating baked goods to sell
  • Helping to price donated items the week before our sale
  • Helping to transport donations from our designated drop-off points to the sale (around 8:30am)
  • Helping to set up our vendor booth, tables & tent around 9:00am
  • Working a shift in the booth (est. 2 hrs)
  • Helping to break down the booth at 4:00pm
  • Transporting unsold items to nearby Goodwill (around 4:30pm)

How to Run for School Boards — Video Presentation

Presented by Committee of 70, Online, Wed., Jan. 4, NOW AVAILABLE ON VIDEO

PA Senator Art Haywood and Dr. Damary Bonilla-Rodriguez, School Board Director of the East Stroudsburg Area School District, present a virtual training on how to make positive change in your community by running for the local school board. Event partners include the Pennsylvania Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs, the Pennsylvania Commission on Latino AffairsLatino Victory Project and C70.

How to Run for Local Office — Video Presentation

VIDEO OF THIS EVENT IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ONLINE, Senator Art Haywood and Dr. Damary Bonilla-Rodriguez, School Board Director of the East Stroudsburg Area School District, present MLK Day of Action: Virtual Advocacy Training. Learn how to run for elected office and make positive changes in your community. Event partners include Committee of 70, the Governor’s Commission on African American Affairs, the Governor’s Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs, and the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs. Panelists include LaDeshia Maxwell, Stephanie Sun, Dr. Tyler Titus, and Justin Villere.

Who to Blame for Our Supply Chain Problems

ULDC President Bob Elbich, Published 2/17/2022 Morning Call “Town Square”

Container ships at the Port of Savannah in Savannah, Ga., in September. Stephen B. Morton/AP
It is no great revelation when I state that the political and public policy discourse has deteriorated to dysfunctional word salads and vicious recriminations.

When I ran for public office, coming from a distinctly nonpolitical background, my guiding principle was to restore common sense to the dialogue. Therefore, it distresses me to see and hear all sorts of counterfactual and convoluted reasoning to rationalize why we are where we are as a society.

This theme can easily extend over many subjects, but I would like to provoke some reader introspection by focusing on a specific, timely issue from the perspective of many years of direct personal experiences.
These days, the narrative of choice for blame associated with our economic challenges centers on two words: supply chain.

Many people are blaming the federal administration for causing the shortages of goods and will want to exact punishment. I see and hear this narrative every day in the media: liberal, conservative, televised and print.

Nothing could be further from reality and common sense. In my career, I invested over 12 years working in large corporate manufacturing environments and over 35 years in small and startup manufacturing companies in the Lehigh Valley. I have seen at close range how the seeds of our supply chain issues were planted in the past.

Beginning in earnest in the 1970s, corporate management throughout the country turned their backs on our American workers and began to manufacture or buy cheaper products overseas. It was the lazy, easy path to higher profits and higher corporate salaries. Company executives’ personal incomes skyrocketed from 58 times the average worker in 1989 to more than 270 times the income of the average worker in 2018.

The trend also took jobs away from millions of hardworking Americans who were building a middle-class lifestyle and contributing to American prosperity. Little effort was made by these executives to find creative ways to keep the jobs here in America. Why bother when they could easily slash payroll costs and pocket much of the savings?

For years, things went swimmingly, except for those who lost good-paying jobs, while no one considered the extensive variety of risks that affect supply chains and would inevitably complicate our access to products made far from home.

The COVID-19 experience is only one manifestation of a supply chain built on multiple dimensions of potential failure. We are paying the price for such hubris.

As a small business owner, I was constantly encouraged to outsource our products to foreign sources for higher profits. The pressures were (and still are) enormous to simply offshore technology and skills and place the burden of supply on someone else. Instead, our team worked long and hard overcoming many challenges to keep manufacturing jobs in the Lehigh Valley. We wanted to supply our customers with quality products and swift response times without waiting and hoping for container ships to arrive.

Did other factors contribute to the corporate executives’ decisions to outsource products? The answer is yes, and therein lies the rub.

Besides being willing to sacrifice the American worker for stratospheric salaries, executives were also answering the free market demand for higher profits and cheaper products from anyone who wanted their 401(k) investments in these companies to grow as fast as possible and wanted to buy the cheapest products possible. After all, who among us does not look at our 401(k) or individual retirement account reports and search for the highest returns? And who among us, when shopping for products, does not look for the lowest-cost item, even though we know, deep in our hearts, that the quality is probably suspect and the service is nonexistent?

We Americans for these many years have been and still are complicit in and responsible for this journey to supply chain problems. As comic character Pogo stated in a parody of a famous quote, “We have met the enemy and he is us,” Not the federal government.

That, my friends, is the common sense of it.

Bob Elbich is a Lehigh County commissioner, a member of the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission and a retired manufacturing entrepreneur.

Legislators Seek to Overturn Election Results, Deny the Will of State Voters

The action taken on Dec. 4, in the form of a letter from a group of Pennsylvania Republican legislators, emphasizes the destructive outcomes of gerrymandering and voter apathy towards state and local elections.  These legislators seek to overturn the Pennsylvania election results only for president (but not for their own offices) by having an alternative set of electors reject the will of the voters using specious arguments, many of which were already rejected by the judiciary.  Only one of the signatories is a representative of some of Lehigh County voters, Representative Ryan Mackenzie, who represents Lower Macungie, Macungie, Alburtis, parts of Salisbury Twp., and parts of South Whitehall.  Please read the letter (linked below) and contact Representative Mackenzie by whatever means you choose to express outrage at this blatant attempt to nullify your vote.

Use the image of this letter and its intent to energize yourself to engage and do everything possible for each and every year’s election to make the changes to better government. LETTER TO PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATORS IN THE US HOUSE AND SENATE

Note: In order to satisfy this request, at least one US House Representative and one US Senator from Pennsylvania would have to agree. Both Senators Bob Casey and Pat Toomey have refused.