Standing Committees

Communications – Creates printed materials for events, canvassing, poll-greeting, and election mailings. Creates content for and operates the club website and social media sites (currently Facebook but would love help with other sites!). Ensures messaging is on target and follows guidelines, and logo/service marks are used correctly.

Volunteer Coordination – Assists PCPs and Event Planners with volunteer recruitment help. This includes drafting announcements for email, social media and creating sign-up forms, as well as calling, emailing and texting fellow Democrats and club members.  

Fundraising – Raises monies and other kinds of donations to assist the financial needs of the club.  This includes locating fundraising opportunities, developing relationships with potential donors and managing fundraising campaigns.

PCP Support – Supports and develops the activities of Precinct Committee Persons. This includes training, data collection, poll-greeting, canvassing.

  • Area 1: Upper Macungie Township (8 precincts) – Rosanna Krick
  • Area 2: North Whitehall Township (6 precincts) – Dianne Wall-Gillikin
  • Area 3: South Whitehall Township (8 precincts) – VACANT
  • Area 4: Northern Townships (12 precincts) – Margie O’Hern

Membership – Works to increase membership by participating in events that promote the club, by
contacting previous members, and by reaching out to potential new members. Develops and supports
new members and non-active members by providing information on the club and its activities.

Executive – responsible for the processes of the club including, but not limited to by-law revisions,
policy, mission, vision, club structure, etc. (reserved for officers & committee chairs per bylaws).
The Executive Committee consists of the Officers, the Committee Chairs and At-Large Members:
President, Bob Martin
Vice President, Carla Colangelo
Treasurer, Linda Kellerman
Secretary, Margie O’Hern

Communications, Joan Strong
Fundraising, Nancy Holler
Membership, Suzanne Glatz
PCP Support, Mark Fedorov
Volunteer Coordination, Lynn Higdon

Labor Representative, Melissa Sundahl
At Large, Suzanne Glatz